New patterns for the Sheriffs shirt.

8. 10. 2012 // // Kategorie Randnotizen 2012


Colleague Harriet has not sat idle.
She has taken her canvas to the Sheriffs shirt,
has printed, sewn and painted and I must admit
it clads the fellow well. Harriet has not only restyled the Sheriff,
but she has also written up a new code of conduct for the officer.

“Police officers should have the ability to ease the tension and anxiety felt in disputed situations. Their uniforms should reflect that they are present in order to maintain peace. They should conduct themselves with courtesy professionalism and respect. This is quoting the police logo from the NYPD. These words should be present on the uniform, in order to remind everyone who sees them of an ideal model of behavior. The uniform should be beautiful, because beauty has the power to bring calm to a violent or negatively destructive situation. They should be brightly colored so that everyone can always know when a police officer is present. The police officers names should be clearly visible on the uniform so that they can be held accountable for their conduct”