Fare well to the Sheriff – leaving Alfred,NY.

21. 2. 2013 // // Kategorie Randnotizen 2012

We write the 20th, rose early,
departure is set for DC at 5:30 am
and onward to Vienna late in the day.
Took one more seat on the Cohen Center porch,
my favourite late afternoon bench.
The University has ordered four Dodge charged rental wheels,
identical to the black rubber donuts of the Sheriffs cruiser,
they wait darkened on the lot.
The suitcases are loaded, heavy over the rear axle,
holding the wheels to the ground.
Walked off the porch into Alfred´s morning darkness air
and danced onto yellow marked Main,
but the Sheriff would not come.
Waited and inhaled the ragweed that huddles in the meadows about,
their dust has frozen, my nose is clear and takes notice no more.
No noise frome the cruiser,
the Sheriff won´t come.
Reluctant I take to the steering,
sway away,
to discolor the yellow double markers
with a wheelie
the road out of town.