Artists do too much.

27. 5. 2011 // // Kategorie Randnotizen 2011

In general, I feel artists do too much. As an artist I always think it’s better to do less, not to do every idea, to try and pick only the best ones, to store up ideas and find ways to put different possibilities together before starting. A project not as one idea but as a much stronger hybrid of many different ideas. I think there’s an enormous pressure to over-produce. Of course a financial pressure. But also a pressure to stay in the spotlight, to keep one’s name out there. I think it’s bad for art in so many ways, but perhaps mainly because it stops one from having enough life experiences outside of art. Art that is not connected to the larger world seems of little value to me. And spending all of one’s time in an art context means one simply isn’t living enough, having enough contact with the world outside of art. But in all of these matters I am a something of a hypocrite, since basically all I do is art. I see the problem, but fail to enact the solution.