I ♥ Cock Part 2: The Tattoo Connection!

23. 9. 2013 // // Kategorie Randnotizen 2013


Hugh Offthebush Hurrah!

Mark Darby It’s a pity that the photographer chopped off that final LES. No-one will ever realise just how much you adore seafood now.

Stewart Home Indeed, seafood of a very special type, and the type of pearl you can only find muff diving!

Mark Darby Nice recovery… as my granny used to say… “you can never dive muff deep enuff”. Or was that my life drawing tutor? They looked awfully similar from certain angles.

Stewart Home Probably both of them and a load of others as well! Muff dive for proletarian victory!

Mark Darby And Muff diving in parliament should be compulsory 24/7. MPs can’t discuss political stuff if they’re diving political muff.

Billy Houlston eek xxxx

Stewart Home Cock sucks! That’s why we love it!

Lucy Johnson Ha ha!

Rick Zurrekt But, it is really necessary to announce it to the four winds?

Stewart Home Yes I want everyone over 21 to know about it!

Lucy Johnson Over 21? Didn’t they sort out the age of consent for gay men?

Stewart Home It isn’t that – I think that people of my age should leave those under 21 alone regardless of gender…..

Lucy Johnson I think that is a very good plan.

Lucy Johnson It is quite ghastly how young girls can be perceived as being in some way ‘available’…. to dirty oldsters…. urghhhhh….

Stewart Home Indeed!

Lucy Johnson Anyway you are not mincing your words… Maybe I should get a tattoo done… sort of beat you at your own game…

Stewart Home But where? Hopefully not on your forehead! Arm or breast perhaps? And keep off the grass above the pubes – just to confuse!

Lucy Johnson Like a skinhead one in my mouth I am thinking. I can reveal it at opportune moments…

Stewart Home Now there’s an idea I should have had – it will blow minds when you show it!

Lucy Johnson I think this is pure genius…God only knows why I didn’t think of it before!

Stewart Home You’ve just started a craze. Before you know it everyone will have one!

Lucy Johnson If they don’t already… I might be late to the party!

Stewart Home We can all cum late to the orgy once I have “I Cock” tattooed inside my mouth.

Lucy Johnson I don’t know what to say except I always thought I’d never have a tattoo but now it seems like an absolutely fantastic idea!

Stewart Home Say no more – just flash it!
