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Another thing about working on re-working the book.

11. 9. 2006 // // Kategorie Randnotizen 2006

I realise that more of the time, as I go about my daily business, I must look elsewhere/distracted, like a man who is constantly trying to solve a complicated maths or crossword puzzle in his head.


11. 9. 2006 // // Kategorie Randnotizen 2006

I read this article in The Guardian on Friday:

“For first time, doctors communicate with patient in persistent vegetative state.”,,1867567,00.html

Here’s a few quoted paragraphs that give the basic story:

“A 23-year-old woman who has been in a vegetative state since suffering devastating brain damage in a traffic accident has stunned doctors by performing mental tasks for them. Brain scans revealed that the woman, who has shown no outward signs of awareness since the accident in July last year, could understand people talking to her and was able to imagine playing tennis or walking around her home when asked to by doctors. [weiter…]

Holding the door shut with one hand and trying to work on my book with the other.

8. 9. 2006 // // Kategorie Randnotizen 2006

In New York. Holding the door shut with one hand and trying to work on my book with the other. Holding the door shut in this case means a rolling combination of sending rushed emails, doing admin/writing and having the necessary phone conversations to keep other projects at bay. Working on the book is a bit more self explanatory I guess. Sometimes it seems like holding the door shut takes most of my time and energies.

Weird feelings when working on the book, as now when I’m back into if for a few weeks [weiter…]

The Book of Complaints is At Your Disposal

9. 8. 2006 // // Kategorie Randnotizen 2006

In Croatia now.

Staying on the former Street of Brotherhood And Unity. Now the Street of Vlatka The Cat. Some politics in that re-naming there I am sure.

Late night looking into the toll-booth driving here to the town of C. from Zagreb I noticed the sign in the window that says The Book of Complaints is At Your Disposal.

Apparently this practise is a hangover from Socialism, during which all service establishments of every kind (restaurants, govt offices, spas) were obliged to keep such a book in which customers were invited to write their comments and which other customers were free to request sight of and inspect at their leisure. Somehow at 2.30am arriving fro a delayed and diverted flight we neglected to read the comments on the toll-road.. But another time maybe.