AW: reminder

22. 9. 2010 // // Kategorie Randnotizen 2010

hello marie
sorry for my response with delay, I’m bit under pressure. I was also thinking of you, on the trainride back home, I had some doubts on the financial/economical profile of the project, in the framework of a school, without payment for research, presentations and discussions in the frame of our group. If the goal of the project is also, that we don’t have to produce material artworks, that can be sold on the artmarket, then it makes sence to think twice about payment, otherwise it becomes economicly problematic. for a longtherm project over 2 years, with an investigation of time, that makes it possible, to realy doing research on something new, I would need a finacial return of about 10’000.
– at least, without any productioncosts.
I would realy like to work in projectframe like that, but I’m also sensitiv
toward institutional structurs, what they want from me and what I get from them.
maybe there is a misunderstanding from my side, hope you can change my view with a good argument.
nice greetings