the positive agression of saying no

9. 6. 2013 // // Kategorie Randnotizen 2013

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i don’t work with conflicts, as a snake i prefer to glide through all complicated realities and disturbing circumstances. i believe in the transformative power of persistence in being patient and gentle.

an umbanda priest in sao paulo recognized the snake in me and advised me to become as soft as possible.

but this week, my snake suddenly transformed into a wild dog. I showed my teeth to someone very dear to me and discovered the power of saying no to an on going abusive situation. The earlier moments when i said no towards some works-situations or energy sucking friendships, gave me always a hell of a boost. And this happened also this time, when i had to say no to some disturbing habits in a private friendship, constructed by skype. This time i wasn’t gliding anymore. I felt i was just losing my autonomy in adapting myself too much to the wishes of the other.

i know that a transformative change mostly happens without any force,  but sometimes you must start the possibility to such a change by saying no as clearly and loudly as possible.


the dog provides space for the snake to start his/her healing work.

and when i work with the spirit of the snake, i forget myself, instead of losing myself…