emancipation of the dancer/question of timing

9. 7. 2013 // // Kategorie Randnotizen 2013

After a run of a new choreography last week at the Cullberg ballet in Stockholm, the artistic director said to the dancers: ” Now you start to meet Jefta ( van Dinther, the choreographer of the piece) instead of obeying him.”  She was right, the dancers profiled themselves as autonomous artists who answered with their own creativity to the structure, concept and ideas about movement, which the choreographer proposed. It was a great piece, because it provided a large space for dancers to explore their capacities to create.

we live in a time of the emancipation of the dancer. And  time will come that i will visit a performance mostly because of some dancers who are in it, and hardly because of the choreographer who made the piece.

I like dancers who don’t limit their instrument only to the physical capacities of the body. They also use must be capable to stretch their mind, their personalities, their capacity to take risks, their wish to surrender and dive into the unknown, i fancy dancers who are not afraid to be simple and naive, when that attitude fits the moment, and who also are not ashamed to take space and dominate the scene when it is needed.

Dance becomes an adequate dynamic artform to reveal how we live creatively in our body and mind. It shows us potentiality, we never could guess it would exist.

the more i work in the field of dance, the more i get intrigued by the profession of a dancer. All my collaborations with different dancers are my personal education to expand my own dancing.

At the moment to find my own timing is the most important. How can I stay curious every moment i move.


dance with shadow, a drawing i made during my meeting with two dancers from Norway, Inger Reidun Olsen and Marianne Skjeldal, who visit me in Amsterdam to discuss ephemeral qualities of dance, like chakra exploration and channeling.