Invisible Art

10. 7. 2013 // // Kategorie Randnotizen 2013

I read somewhere recently that if you don’t want people to pay any attention to you on the street, the best thing to do is look like a workman. Having thought about this for a week or two, I decided I’d enlist the help of an assistant and we’d carry a long plank of wood around the fashionable districts of Shoreditch and Hoxton in east London. So this afternoon with a piece of wood 4.2 meters long (but with its other dimensions only 3.2cm and 1.25cm, and weighing in total about 10.5 kg), my assistant and I walked through Hoxton Square (famous in recent years for attracting the art crowd and being home to a number of galleries including White Cube) and along many hip streets.

Although we were making a piece of live art, no one paid any attention because the act wasn’t framed as such for the general public. Only my assistant and I knew we weren’t transporting the wood to a building site or whatever, and were in fact engaged in a piece of guerilla theatre about invisibility. And in keeping with my invisible theme, beyond this blog (and many CCTV cameras) there is no documentation of the act; unless, of course, one or more people accidentally filmed or photographed us while attempting to capture something else entirely. The secret of invisibility is not to avoid being seen, but rather to be seen as something other than what you really are! Like all magic, ‘invisibility’ is a matter of misdirection!